What Haiku have you composed?
While I enjoy composing them, my Haiku are not the crux of my productive effort. As they are tiny in size, they may be put on display with less difficulty than essays or books.
Here you will find a few of my haiku, a definition I take lightly—emotional short-form poetry. Throughout the evolution of this website I have been more and less selective about what I include; so I may remove those I find distateful and you may archive those you do not.
The trees dance to the singing wind,
but I hear the cicada-
familiar sound.
The Moon can see my room,
casting shadows on the ceiling.
Indoor scenery
Gazing at the stars,
my right hand can hold them all.
I am excited.
In a sky of gray clouds
I can still see the stars that
I keep in my hand
Park bench.
Bird sings futile song
for my ears alone.
Summer wanes
The sound of the fan occasionally takes my attention
My heart beats fast,
but I am not sweating
Not that much,